Rare Cartier Back Story

Rare Cartier is an independent fashion brand founded in 2017 with the mission of empowering all people to pursue innovation. Inclusivity is a major focus and priority, we look to create a safe space for individuals to be their true organic self. Free from judgement and criticism. “Being yourself, is being all God called you to be”. We use storytelling through contemporary fashion to encourage dialogue and curiosity that further bridges gaps between cultures and generations.

The brand name derives from us creating sustainable garments and doing so quickly. We create pieces that will last for years to come, focusing on quality not quantity.

When someone names a child “Cartier”, the name by definition means “transporter of goods”. We “Transport Rare goods”.  Which gives us our name “Rare Cartier”.

Using this as our foundation, we strive to develop timeless clothing by paying homage to artisanship and sourcing curated materials.

The objective is to create the best product imagined.

There's no one on this earth exactly like you and that’s what makes you Rare.

Here at Rare, we create new methods and ideas to elevate society for a greater good. To be “Rare” means to be true, and to be true means to be you.

  • Rare Cartier